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Local celebrities chosen for 5th annual Dancing for a Cause fundraiser
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The local celebrities for this year's Dancing for a Cause fundraiser pose for a photo with the mirror ball trophy at the North Georgia Community Foundation in Gainesville, Georgia, on Thursday, March 22, 2018. From left are Andy Miller, Al Satterfield, Ashton Meeks, John LaForge, Margie Couvillon, Rustin Smith, Christy Wagner, Trey Greene, Lona Pope and Brooke Morters. - photo by Layne Saliba
Local celebrities from around the county will soon be showing off what they can do on the dance floor again at the fifth annual Dancing for a Cause event.
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Grand opening of $25M 'Coop' marks new era for youth sports in Gainesville
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The J. Melvin Cooper Athletic Complex, also known as "The Coop", is nearing completion. - photo by Scott Rogers
Gainesville Mayor Sam Couvillon said The Coop has been, “a long time coming.”  “We had not built a new ballfield since 1984,” Couvillon said. “Our population has tripled since then and this will give better access to our children who play sports and will allow them to not have to play as late as they have been playing because of field access.”
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